Puffer Play

In my last post, I complained that I did not get to wear my puffer, so I took the law into my own hands. Here I am wearing my puffer for a nighttime walk in Redondo, through a great neighborhood that creates tons of fantastic light displays. Just wearing leggings and a thin top underneath. O_O Not so much leggings-as-pants as it is puffer-as-dress. 

For those who have known me a while, yes, in fact that is a Jayne/Firefly beanie. Manspiration FTW!

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  • Suz replied 9 years ago

    Adorable, Rae! Love that your puffer is light coloured. Looks great on you! And hey, if Una can wear a puffer skirt, you can wear a puffer dress. 

  • PalmFronds replied 9 years ago

    Love the puffer on you! The light color always reads chic to me, love it.

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Hooray for puffer wear!!!! :D

    And that Nightmare is wild!

  • unfrumped replied 9 years ago

    Wait-- does Angie know you have a white puffer?!

  • Jaime replied 9 years ago

    That first display is amazing and so are you in your white puffer.

  • catgirl replied 9 years ago

    Puffer as dress!  This is so much fun.  Meanwhile I'm avoiding my puffer like the plague as it's in the 30s here and warm enough for lighter coats.  It's all relative. :)

  • CocoLion replied 9 years ago

    You look toasty warm and cozy, who says you don't need a puffer in LA.

  • goldenpig replied 9 years ago

    Team Cali Puffers FTW!!! I love it...will have to pull out my white puffer too!

  • krishnidoux replied 9 years ago

    That is one nice puffer. Very cute hat to go with it too!

  • Thistle replied 9 years ago

    You look terrific! And such a fun hat.

    You can always come visit us in the Great Lakes region. It hasn't gotten above 45 in over a month.  Not sure how much puffers come out in California!  Although, I suppose it is what you are used to. It gets to 60 here in April and people are in shorts. It gets to 60 in Tampa, and my aunt is in huge sweaters and coats.

  • Beth Ann replied 9 years ago

    That's the LA spirit!  Make your own winter! 

    There are lots or really lightweight packable puffers this year.  I'm searching for one that covers the bum, though, since I don't like sitting on cold (brrr) surfaces.  These new ultra-lights would be great for your climate!

  • shedev replied 9 years ago

    Love white puffers. Looks great with the hat. I second what thistle said.

  • Vickie KY replied 9 years ago

    Love the white puffer and the lights. Vickie

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